Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bike Ecology Centre goes Solar - May 2008

*** Bike Ecology Centre goes Solar ***
JOINT MEDIA RELEASE from The Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre (NBEC)
& Sydney Energy Cooperative (SEC)

Bike Ecology Centre goes Solar

The Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre is getting even more environmentally friendlier
with the help of the Sydney Energy Cooperative. Solar panels being installed at the
Centre reduces the amount of coal burnt which means less climate change.

“The government rebates and the very helpful Sydney Energy Cooperative made the
choice easy to get sustainable energy, seeing as we have already got the sustainable
transport problem solved with recycled push-bikes. This joint effort between the
NBEC and SEC will hopefully show people clean, green energy can be had by everyone,
now, both in their family homes, and also travelling places. The endless research,
talk-fests, and workshops about new inventions to solve the climate change problem
via the market place and making people rich must stop. The NBEC acknowledges that
like most products, the production of solar cells and bicycles have both caused
pollution. However, their use over many years has a positive effect for the
environment! ”, Dan from NBEC said.

Maurice from SEC said – “We have experienced first hand the tireless and inspiring
work done for cycling and the environment here in Newcastle. Now we are thrilled that
we can help make a fellow environmental organisation more sustainable in this
community effort.”

The 1kW of photovoltaic modules will produce 4kWh/day of clean electricity from the
sun, saving 1.3 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year for decades to come, not to mention
the environmental benefits to the region due to reduced coal mining and burning.

“The great work done by NBEC will ensure that the system will have high educational
value to the community” Maurice from SEC said. [ENDS]

Daniel Endicott,
Co-ordinator of Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre
Your local environmental, not-for-profit, community based, sustainable transport, no green-wash cars, bikefun centre.

Maurice Wells
Sydney Energy Cooperative

NBEC Solar gnd.pdf

Article in the Star Newspaper April 23rd edition